Let’s rock!
Brewrocks is the antechamber of the Houppe. These are beers that bring together three worlds dear to us: beer, rock and art. Creativity is given the freest of rein when it comes to recipes concocted by our brewers or the creative genius of artists with whom we cooperate. All these beers are produced in limited editions at the brewery, after experimenting with products. The graphical part of the bottle is entrusted to illustrators, artists and painters who come up with unique creations in tune with beer and rock.
These products are available for sale at the brewery and from some of our partners.
Despite our best efforts, presentations can sometimes turn dissertation helps into one-way communication us talking and students passively listening.
Paint in Black
This revisited stout contains 5% alcohol. The mocha colour betrays the use of a coloured malt. The cloudy appearance in the glass betrays the yeasts used for the fermentation. Its chocolate nose makes room for the mandarin aromas stemming from the cold infusion of a hop selected for the occasion. A slight acidity punctuated by a mild bitterness will be perceptible to the palate, and then the aromas of chocolate and exotic fruits will come into their own. This stout steps outside traditions thanks to its lightness and the balance of its aromas.
Sam Laloux
Ce qui interpelle Sam*? Graffitis, tags, murs, les individus qui peuplent les villes.
Il entrevoit avec son regard les traces, les graffitis, les vestiges et les stigmates de notre civilisation qui se fait et défait sans cesse. Ces murs, ses murs, vivent au rythme des hommes et des cités. Il compose une œuvre en mouvance, séduisante et qui nous prend par la main pour regarder notre temps.
VJ – graphiste – plasticien recycle le «street art» mondial dans des oeuvres urbaines. Mais aussi cycliste vintage le week-end.